Monday, October 24, 2005

Meet After A Long While

I was all dressed up to join the guys for a drink. I always drive, to avoid me getting too much drink. I went in and greeted everyone I know. James always want me to start seeing someone. He was more worried than myself. Well, after the divorce, I thought I might just live alone for a while before getting attached again. I am so fine with living alone with my son. I don't know why James always think that I shouldn't tell anyone that I have a kid. He believes, as a man, it's really difficult for them to accept a woman with a kid.

Well, I totally disagree with him. I always tell him, "If he cannot accept the love of my life (my son), he doesn't deserve having me." That is one thing I can assure. Anyway, I have not thought of being with anyone, just yet.

We were as usual enjoying our drinks and sharing any issues we can think of. James told me that he has someone really good that he wants to introduce to me. I told him it's a waste of time. I don't mind having another friend, but the commitment thing can be left aside.

I had a funny feeling. Don't know why, maybe it's the lady-instinct. We ladies have sixth sense, whether or not you believe. I looked at the entrance and sawa familiar face. He was tall and well-built. I was collecting my mind of who he is. It can't be him. He doesn't come to places like these, it's too noisy. He looked different, more handsome, more manly.

I looked at him as he walked to me. He smiled and held out his hand "Long time no see." I can feel my jaw on the floor, my eyes were as big as a lychee, my face was burning like the barbeque. Suddenly the whole room was empty, just him & I. This moment lasted for almost 10 seconds, but it felt like 10 hours.

James' pat brought me back. I looked at Harry and said, "Yes, very long indeed." He gave me a hug I longed for. James was surprised we knew each other way before him. It doesn't matter though.

A lot of talking and I was dumbed. Everyone was so surprised that I didn't speak much. Not like me at all. I couldn't focus on anything else, but him. Soon, I couldn't stand it anymore, I walked up to him and pulled him aside. I wanted to have some time alone with him.

Harry - Hey how are you? How's your husband & any kids yet?
I know he knows a lot about me from James, but still he is someone who wants confirmation.
Me - Well, I am great. I'm divorced..... with a son.
H - Ohhh, really, why? When was that?
M - About 3 months ago, I didnt call you cause I was afraid you might be seeing someone.
M - So how's life? Are you seeing someone special?
H - Yes.
My heart wanted to fall out. But again, I forced out a smile.
M - That's nice, she must be so lucky.
H - I guessed so.
M - So where is she? Why isn't she here?
H - She is.
M - Really? Aren't you gonna introduce us? Or are you afraid I might create a scene here?
H - You know her. Just go into the toilet and look into the mirror.
I stood up and hugged him so hard. I whispered into his ear "I missed you so much, please make love to me."
We left everyone behind...

1 comment:

uno said...

sorry to peep into your "other world".
But, way to go...
writing down your feelings can calm u
down so much.

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