Wednesday, July 08, 2015

The BookShop 6

We sat in different tables but I know we have the same thoughts. 
I went out again, to the ladies, hoping to see him, somewhere.

I was right, he was there. "We need to talk." He led me to a door, it was a door to the balcony. 

He: You felt the chemistry, right? You are not any other girl. You are the first I have such chemistry with.
Me: But I didn't even know your name, you didn't know mine. You didn't asked for my number. Nothing. It's really complicated. I don't know what to do, or what to expect. I can walk up to your shop again,and you might not know who I am. I am just one of your many many girls. I just don't want to think about it.

He pulled me close and laid his warm lips on mine. He held me so tight, so close to him. I loved that feeling, it felt too good. Our lips separated, he came close to my ears and whispered, "You think too much." He looked into my eyes, "It's not what you think. It's just simple, yes, I might have other women in my life, I do have one night stands, but I assure you, you are different. Don't ask me why, I don't know myself. I just felt that certain chemistry and I knew it was you. I know where you are coming from, you are not comfortable with us being together without knowing each other first. But isn't it time to try something different? It doesn't always have to go by the books. Once in a while, something out of the book is better, as long as it felt right."

The words were so true. 

He continued, "I can get to know you better. We will start from here." He gave me a kiss on my forehead, more like a friendly kiss. I think he would rather kiss me on the lips, but refraining himself cause I wanted him to know me better, I wanted to go by the books...

He: So Miss Kath, can I have your number?

I looked at him, he was looking into my eyes. I walked closer to him, and realised he is so tall. I pulled him close, and kissed him. And there was where our chemistry took over leaving the old fashion book behind. We went back and made love.

The BookShop 5

That night was still fresh in my head. I can actually feel him next to me. I wish I am in his arms again. I wish that night didn't end so soon. As much as I wished, I still thought it was a stupid idea to sleep with someone I met twice, and worse we didn't know each others names. Oh dear. I know this is wrong, but he was right, it really did felt so right. 

Nothing much to expect, he didn't know where to find me, or maybe he didn't even want to see me. The only way to actually communicate lies with me. I know where to find him. I know where he is. But would I? What if he doesn't want to see me anymore? What if I am just another girl that he slept with.What if......These what ifs have been floating in my mind for the last one week. One side of me wants so much to be with him, another side is holding me back, protecting my fragile heart. 

I did not even dare to drive around there, just in case I bump into him. I don't know what to say... 

My phone rang, it was Jill. I picked up and "It's ok, I will drive there myself." She offered to drive me to LiAnne's wedding. I look at my watch, it was 6pm. I quickly took a shower and got dressed. I wore a simply black long dress. I am not very fashionable. I'm just a simple lady. I just put on a light make up, blusher and lipstick, and a little mascara for the occasion. I blow dry my hair and that's it. I'm ready to go. Slipped on my black stilettos and left.

It was a nice wedding. One thing I like about weddings is getting together with friends, some whom I've not met in a long while. But we can still drink and chat together. I always go slow with drinking. I hate the puking. I always drink enough to get me a little tipsy and happy and that's it.

I went to the ladies, and when I got out, I headed back to the hall. Then there was a familiar face standing right in front of me. I stood still, my feet were glued to the ground, I can't move.I can feel my jaws on the floor. There was a sudden rush of blood flowing to every part of my body, I felt hot.
For a moment, I thought it was the alcohol that's making me visualise him standing there. His "hi" assured me it's not. It's really him. I stood there in silence, I didn't know what to do or what to say. He seemed happy seeing me, though.

He: Hi.
Me: Hi
He: Nice to see you
Me: Hmmm, ok

It felt totally awkward. I think I made him awkward, he didn't know what to do either. He said bye, and was about to leave. I am such a fool to put both of us at such, I said "Hey, I'm Kath." He turned to me and smiled, "Hi there, I'm Matt." We smiled, and he asked "Would you like a drink? I'll get you one." I nodded and walked to the nearest table. We just spoke about the wedding, he knows Jack the groom and I told him I'm closer to LiAnne.Not a word was mentioned about that night. Is he trying to avoid? But I am glad he is, I really don't know what to say about that night.

Jill interrupted us, "Hey, it's the toasting. Let's get in." She looked at Matt and smiled. I turned to him and said, "See you later" He smiled back and waved. As I walked in, I thought again, that's it? Why didn't he asked for my number? Why not? I think he felt as awkward as I am. I have to admit, I am a fairly old-fashioned girl. I would not make the first move. 

I didn't know where he sat, I was trying to locate him, but no luck. Is he looking for me as well? Did I look good? This is really the moment of "so near yet so far". The couple was exchanging their vows, sharing their lovely moments.I did not listen or paid attention to what they were talking. My mind only has him, but where is he?
Soon, the couple had their first dance. After that, the host invited the guests to join them on the floor. The band started playing "All My Loving", made me want to see him more. When I turned around, he was right behind me, holding out his hand. "May I?" I took his hand and walked with him to the dance floor. 

He let go off my hand, he placed both his hands around my waist, bringing me closer to him. I felt the adrenaline rush. He looked into my eyes.

He: Were you busy?
Me: No, why?
He: Oh, I thought you were cause you never came back.Was it really that bad?
Me: Bad? What was bad?
He: That night...
I know what he meant.
Me: No, it's not that. That night was great but
He: It was great? Really? 
He pulled me so close to him, I can feel his heart beating, I don't know which of us beat faster, but I can really feel myself blushing.
I don't know what to say, I just smiled.
He: Then why didn't you came back? I wanted so much to see you again.
Me: I didn't know what to do. I am a fairly old fashion person. And this one night stand thingy is making me...
He: It's not a one night stand. It was chemistry. Don't you feel it?

The song ended. The host started to speak, so I walked away from him and went back to my seat. He was looking at me, finding answers he need to know.