Tuesday, June 23, 2015

The BookShop 4

I pushed opened the door, he was there looking at his feet. Then he turned to look at me. "I forgot to give you back the book." He walked over to me and swept me off my feet. He brought me to the cushions, laid me down and came so close to my face. He looked deep into my eyes. I could feel his heartbeat. His body was so warm on top of me. I didn't know what to do. 
He used his hand to push my hair from my face. He was looking at every inch of my face, adoring. He kissed lightly on my forehead, my eyes closed. Then he came up and our eyes met again. He kissed me on my lips gently. His lips were so warm, it felt so good... One of his hands was on the back of my head and another was at my back. Soon it found its way to my buttons, and unlocked the first one. Suddenly I look up and held his hand, stopping him. "This is wrong, I can't do this." 
"But it feels so right..." He is god damn right. I have never felt like this, or has it been a long while since I ever had a man in my life. I felt so comfortable, he kissed me again. And this time, I didn't stop him from doing anything else. I'm all his. He touched every part of me, his breathing grew fast, so did mine.

Before I knew it, he was inside me. I felt myself burning, it was great. 

                                                      *   *   *   *   *

When I opened my eyes, I was in his arms. I think he is still sleeping. I sure hope he is still sleeping, the only thing I can think of now is to get out of here without waking him. I moved away from him, got up really quiet, put on my clothes, collecting everything else and made my way to the door. 

When I got into my car, the clock showed 330am. I quickly start the engine, and drove. As I was driving, there were so much going in my head. What happened? What have I done? Why did I do it? Why? I didn't even know his name, neither did he asked for mine. I have never done such thing, is this one of those one night stands people talk about? I don't like the thought of it, but I got to agree it felt great being with him. Everything felt so right. 

Friday, June 12, 2015

The BookShop 3

My everyday routine is going to work, then gym and then home. Well, once in a while I will slot in an hour or two of happy hour. 

Just like every other day, I went to work as usual. Today was a little busier than usual. At around 3pm, I finally had time to rest. I made a cup of coffee. While sipping, I I looked out my window, it was raining. The sky were grey. I opened my drawer hoping there were some biscuit to go together with my coffee. I saw the book, and it brought me back to the guy. I looked at the calendar, it has been almost 2 weeks. I thought I might drop by to return his book after work. It's kind of rude to keep it for too long.

I left work at around 8pm. I should have left earlier, I'm afraid the shop might be closed. Anyway, I have nothing else to do, so I might as well drop by. I made two rounds before I got myself a parking. It was drizzling, I rain to the shops, a little wet. I stopped in front of a shop to check my hair. Then I walked up the stairs, saw lights through the door. He is there, I guess. I knocked on the door, but no one opened the door. I turned the knob, it was not locked. "Hello, anyone there?" He stuck his head out from behind the shelves. "Hi, it's you. Give me a minute."

He: Hi, how are you?
Me: Good, I'm good, how are you?
He: Good, today is better. So, how can I help you?
Me: Oh, I came to return you the book.
He: Do you like it?
Me: It's very nice, I couldn't put it down, finished it in a day.
He: I'm glad you like it. Tea, black? Or do you feel like wine today?
Me: That's a good idea. White, please.

We spend the next hours chatting and drinking. We shared a lot, he is a divorcee too, his daughter stayed with his ex-wife. After the second bottle, we were laughing so much. We danced a little too. He told me he likes "All My Loving" jazz style. We danced to it. It was fun and I find myself really comfortable with him. He smells good. It felt really nice to be in his arms. I don't know what had gotten into me, I suddenly spoke.

Me: So, do you always bring girls up here, and give them a book?
He laughed. "No, only to those I feel I have chemistry with."
Me: Oh wow, and that would be how many?
He: How many, I really don't know, but you are the first.
He hugged me closer to him.

I looked at him, I felt my face burning, my heart beat faster. Don't know whether it's the wine or was I blushing. I didn't know what to say or do. A lot of questions came to my mind, those I have thought before, but no answers. When he laid his lips on my forehead, I was back to reality. I pushed him away gently, and said, "I think I need to go."

He: I'm sorry, you don't need to go. We will just sit and drink ok?
Me: No, it's ok, it's really late and I need to go home. 

I grabbed my bag and left. When I was walking down the stairs, I saw the book in my bag. Oh dear, I went back up to give him back the book. 

Thursday, June 11, 2015

The BookShop 2

As I was driving home, I cannot stop thinking about him. He is not extremely handsome, but he's smart. I kind of have a funny feeling about him. He is charming. We talked about a lot of things, and wait. What's his name? Oh dear, I didn't asked his name, he didn't asked mine too. This is really crazy. Will I see him again? Am I going to meet him? Why didn't he asked for my number? Not to mention number, he didn't even bother asking for my name. 

I stopped at the traffic lights, and looked at the passenger seat. There it was, the book that he gave me, titled "At First Sight". I have to return him this book. So I will have to just walk up to his place again, that would be funny.

I finally reached home. Everyone was out. I decided to stay in. I poured myself a glass of Rose, grabbed the book and went to my favorite couch. I couldn't put the book down. It's really nice. Before I knew it, I finished that bottle and the book. I looked at the time, it was already 1:30am. What happened to dinner, but I was too tired to cook. 

The book was so nice. After I finished the book only did I realised something similar. It's about a man meeting the girl when it was raining heavily, and the guy owns a bookstore. Is that a coincident? And finally they fell in love and their story was beautiful. I dozed off...

The next morning I woke up to work. I grabbed the book and put in my bag. I was busy the whole morning. I felt so hungry, I didn't eat last night. No wonder. I went to grab a sandwich. As I was sitting there alone, I thought of him again. Darn, I don't even know his name. Is the book an excuse for him to see me again? This is really too coincidental. Does he do that to every woman that stands in the rain? Does he wait to see if any girl stood there in the rain and give her the book? Am I just one of those girl? Or does he give a book to every other woman with the same story? If I see you in the library, I give you a book about the guy that meets her in the library. Well, he did read a lot, so no story can get out of his hands.

Anyway, why am I thinking so much? It's just a casual invite to tea, and I have to return the book to him. But I thought I shouldn't give him back now. It will seemed like I can't wait to read or even to see him. 

I left the book and the guy off my mind. I didn't think about him for the next few days... 

The BookShop 1

Oh dear, why is it raining? Not that I do not like the rain, but at times like these, I need a clear blue sky. It's been almost 30 minutes since I stood here, waiting to get my car. Usually I would just run in the rain. I rather get wet than standing alone. Anyway, I just stood there, head down, looking at my phone. As I was scrolling down my instagram, someone knocked me. Thank god I didn't drop my phone. I looked up and saw this guy. He is smart. Tall and clean. My first impression was wow. I hope I didn't say it out loud. 

He apologised. I don't know how many times he apologised before I finally said it's ok. 

He smiled and asked "Waiting for the rain to stop?" 
"Yup, and I'm not an umbrella person." I smiled. 
He laughed a little. "Me too." After a few seconds of silence, "Guess the rain won't stop so soon, do you want to come to my place for a while?"
I nearly chocked... I looked at him, "Oh, don't get me wrong, I have a shop here. Well, I thought you might want to grab a coffee while waiting." 
I giggled, "Oh, ok. good idea."

We walked past three shops, and then he led me up the stairs. He pointed at the sign that read "The BookShop". How creative, eyes rolling... I didn't expect a bookshop, thought it was some kind of bar or coffee place. Well, at least I didn't thought a man like him would like to read. 

When he opened the door, that was my second Wow. It looks nothing like those typical bookstores. All the shelves were antique, traditional antique. What I truly love. I wow-ed, he smiled. I went around looking at his furnitures, and books. It was so cozy. At the right corner, there were few big cushions and a short table. It looks so comfy to be there. 

He asked, "so, would you prefer coffee or tea?" Before I answered, "Well, I have wine too."
I gave him a smile and replied, "I think I'll just have tea, black. Thank you." 

While he made the drinks, I walked around again. I couldn't stop myself from looking at all the things. I love the cabinet behind his counter. Even the counter is wooden. The paintings on the wall go so well with the furniture. 

Then I saw him walking over to table with the drinks. I went over to sit with him. He is so charming. 

Me: This place is awesome. What makes you do this?
He: Well, I love to read, I guess I read too much, my house can't fit these. So I opened this place.
Me: Wow, that's a lot of books you read. So are they for sale?
He: Well, most people come to buy, I would sell. But some titles that I love, I will just rent them out. Do you read?
Me: Yes I do. But not this much. (Still looking around like a little girl finding a doll)
I can feel him looking at me. I turn to look at him.
Me: That's why I hate technology.
He: Tech? Why?
Me: Books are meant to be read, flipping the pages. Making your own bookmarks. Not reading from a tablet. Flipping pages is only a swipe. Bookmark is a tap. The shelves in the house gets smaller, or sometimes there isn't even a shelf in the house. 
Whopps, sorry, I bore you.
He: No, you didn't. I totally agree with you.

He: So, what books do you read? 
Me: You must think that I'm crazy.
He: All book readers are crazy. So what's it? 
Me: Hahaha, No girly lovey stories. Crime, triller.
He: It's ok, most books are crime.

Then we went on talking about stuffs that do not matter over our tea. Nothing personal, just what's happening in the world, some general stuff. 

Suddenly I realised, the rain has stopped. 

Me: Hey, I think I better get going. The rain's stopped. Thank you so much for offering a place and that cup of tea.
He: Oh, so soon? Wait.

He went behind the shelves, and came back with a book. He gave it to me.

He: Please read this. But this isn't crime. It's just a story that I would like to share with you. 
Me: Ok, how much is this?
He: This is not for sale. And please return it ok?
Me: Ok.

And I left...