Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Didn't You Know? Pt 1

Dave is really the man of my dreams, tall, smart, good looking, well built and proper. Maybe a little too proper, that sometimes I need to pretend a little. Anyway, it has been months I waited for him to finally ask me out. We went on dates, for dinners, to clubbings, but no sex yet. We wanted to wait for the right moment (ya right).

These months Ed was with me all the while, sort of helping me get Dave. He was supportive. Ed and I have been friends for a long long time. We were really good buddies - just friends. Ed has too many girlfriends and it just didnt cross my mind of being with him at all.

He would help me out with what Dave was thinking, he would tell me all of men's view. He would choose clothes that men would love to see me in. He would create conversations for me. You name it, Ed solves it. The thing is I feel so comfortable with Ed, that I dont have to bother about my make up, I dont worry about my hair, I eat wings with my hands, blah blah blah. He was like the other brother to me. Sometimes he would even spend nights in my house.

Whenever I need him, he will be there for me. Sometimes when I think about it, it makes me feel like we're a couple. He treats me too good, well, he treats all women good. Shouldnt be surprise.

As I was having my daily call with Ed, my next line rang - it was Dave. I hung up on Ed. Dave's voice was sweet like always. He told me that he has taken the long weekend off and that we should go on a holiday. Wow, I thought that was a great idea. He will be bringing me to Macau - doesnt sound too romantic though, but it was our first holiday. And that would mean "our right moment".

As I hung up, I quickyly redialled Ed's number and told him bout the holiday. He was happy for me, and told me that he would love to join us. Well, why not? It would be more fun, obviously he will be bringing a girl.

I was glad that Dave like the idea of Ed joining us. I am sure this is going to be a fun filled trip, on a holiday with the guy of my dreams and my best buddy. What more do I want? Anyway I was so excited packing my stuff and all. We're flying the coming weekend.

1 comment:

uno said...

Back after a long time??
Waiting for the rest :-)