Thursday, February 04, 2010

From the first day (Pt I)

I have known Doc since 2 years ago. We were introduced over coffee by my husband. I do see him once in a while when I go play paintball with him. Either than that, nope. I have a good impression of him, and was kinda attracted to him. I felt he was attracted to me too. Well, dont doubt a woman's sensitivity. We just know it. And since I have been divorced, we dont see each other anymore and I did not think of him much too. Well, dont expect me to call him and ask him for a drink. That is just not me.

Only until last week, I met him in the mall. I was going there for my weekly massage and ran into him. I was going up the elevator while he was going down. We exchanged our "hellos" and that's it. I looked back, he came up behind me. I waited for him.

HE: Hi, havent seen you in a while. How're you?
ME: Hi, I'm good. You?
HE: Very good. Where you going?
ME: Oh, I'm going for a massage. Wanna join? (just asking casually)
HE: Sure. Where?

I was surprised. It's weird to invite him to a massage, it was weirder for him to join.

I brought him in and we went to our separate rooms for an hour and a half of relaxing massage. For the whole 1.5 hours, I didnt sleep. I was just thinking about him. Why? The 1.5 hours seemed longer than usual. After it ended, I quickly dressed up and checked my hair then went to meet him. He just got out of his room too.

ME: How was it?
HE: Great, I slept like a pig. Did you hear me snore?
ME: Hahaha, nope. Lucky we didnt share room
HE: Just kidding, I dont snore. Okay, now, let's go for a drink
ME: Drink? Like this? (refering to my dressing - I was wearing shorts)
HE: Hello... drink as in a coffee, not the alcohol drinking

*I can feel myself blushing*

We went to Starbucks and talked. He knew that I was divorced. He knew quite a lot about us. I expected Hubs to tell them all the bad things bout me, instead, he didnt say anything. He just said I'm a nice girl and things just didnt work out for us. Hmm... that's better. He was right, it was nothing bad that we have done. No affairs, no men no women. Just mutual agreement that we were not meant for each other.

He even invited me to paintball, which I totally have no interest in. Well, another reason is that I just felt weird seeing hubs there. I went there before and we were husband and wife, now if I go, it'll be weird and there will be so much talking about us behind. Forget it. "Dont worry, Jay doesnt play anymore."

Wow, can he read my mine or what? He answered directly to my thoughts. I smiled and agreed, but definitely not in the near future. Not now. Maybe after a month or two. So after an hour of talking, we finally left for home, separately.

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