Friday, February 21, 2014

It's nice to see him

I got dressed up for the special event. I'm not very close to both the bride and the groom, but this is the first time I'm attending a "red carpet" event. Well, at least I couldn't recall when was the last time I got myself so dressed up for an event. Anyway, not too much, just plain black long dress. Gina told me not to overdo, just put fake lashes and little make up will get me going. I always thought I'm pretty. Hehe. My hair, as straight as always. I don't frequent the saloon nor do I like to wear heavy make up. 

Since I'm going alone, I left a little later. I don't like to attend functions and all. But this is the first I'm attending being single. I rather go later, then waiting in the hall with strangers. 

As I walked down the stairs to the hall, I felt a little uneasy, as I felt like the whole world is looking at me. But what am I afraid off, I'm pretty. I look out for people whom I know. I spotted Sheling. Thank god. I went to her and for the rest of the night I was with her and friends. They are a bunch of nice people who loves drinking and laughing, suits me well. 

I went to the ladies alone, and as I walked out, I thought I saw a familiar face. It was Ed. Wow, it has been ages since we last met. I gave him a hug, and he asked me to accompany him smoke. I did, from that little ciggarette it led to a 20-minute chat, and he found out I was divorced and he told me he has problems with his wife. Typical guy's talk. It was really nice to meet him. We took a few selfie together, and left to our own tables.

As I was drinking, I was looking out for him. I thought of him, I wanted him to come over. He did come, he knows the people I was drinking with. So he sat and we drank together. 

It just felt nice to see an old friend. A friend whom has loved me so much before. 

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