Friday, November 21, 2008

What is Right? (Part III)

I was already fast asleep when my mobile's sms alerted me. It was from Daniel. Then the sms string went like this:-

D: I cant sleep
M: I'm sleeping already. Tired. Down some red, you'll sleep soon

Silent... after a while I heard my front door opening and closing. I thought Daniel might have left. It's ok, he is always weird. I closed my eyes, hoping to fall asleep again, but I was worried. Feeling a little tipsy, I opened my room door, my tv was still on. I went out but Daniel wasnt there.

Suddenly I heard my fridge door close, I turned my head to find Daniel standing outside my kitchen with a glass of red wine in his hands. We stood there looking at each other. He put the glass on the table and walked up to me. He put his hands around my waist and pulled me closed. I have never been so closed to him. It felt great. He placed his face on mine. It was warm and nice. He came so close to me, his lips brushed my cheeks. I suddenly came to conscious and pushed him away.

Where is that line? Why have we crossed it? I dont want to change anything. I dont want the line to be crossed. I told him, "Hey, if you think I am one of your girls, sorry. Forget it and just leave."

He came up to me again and said, "I know who you are, I know what I am doing. You are not those girls, you are different. I love you, you know that. I cant stand anymore, I dont want to be your brother or just a good friend. I want to be with you, I want you."

"Please, just wake up. you have too much wine. Get yourself together and we will talk tomorrow. Go wash your face, you sleep here. I am going my mum's."

"Dont go. Ask yourself. Do you love me? Do you dare to say you have no feelings for me?"

"No, I dont. Leave me alone." He came up and grabbed me in his arms. He kissed me. I tried to push him away but I was too weak. Before I knew it, we were already in bed. He pulled me close. It has been a long time since I have been so close to a man. I missed it. I could feel his warmth. It's nice.

The whole room was filled with love. I couldnt think much, or maybe I just chose not to think too much. What is happening then is just too good to resist. Just when he was about to be in me, I again pushed him away. I told him to stop. I want to stop...

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