Thursday, July 16, 2009

One Weekend Away IV

"Hey, how long were you here? Why didnt you wake me?" I can feel myself blushing.
"It's ok, I know you are tired from the flight. How was it? You like it here?"
Who doesnt?, I thought to myself. "It's beautiful. Nice"
"Go change, I'll bring you to the beach." He didnt mentioned where he was, why he asked me here. He didnt explain much, and that moment I felt cheap. Why had I flown all the way here to sleep with him? What does he think of me?

Well, I dont have much choice now that I am already here, might as well enjoy myself to the fullest. I unpacked my stuff. I followed his steps - the clothes, the shoes and the toilettries. I changed into my red bikini, tied a white beach scarf on the hip. I came out, he was already in his beach wear, a blue and white bermudas. He looked at me, stunned for a while, but went back to look cool again. I packed some stuff and we left the room.

As we were walking, he held my hands. I didnt move away. His hands were warm and it made me feel secure. Suddenly we felt so carefree. It seemed like we have leave our lives back home, and we are just us in Maldives. I was alone, I can do whatever I want. He has no wife, he is the man I want. We felt the connection, we are so connected.

When we reached the beach, we sat at a corner. The sand was so soft, I thought it was carpet. The water was crystal clear. The sun was shinning brightly, but not too hot though. I took out my sun screen. Before I apply, he came over and took it from my hand. He squeezed some on to his palm and asked me to lie on my chest. He rubbed the sunscreen on my back. It felt great. He massaged me a little. I just couldnt explain the feeling. He touched me so gently. After he finished my back, he continued with my legs. As he moved his hands to my thigh, I felt the urge to hold him. As I was enjoying, he asked me to turn to the front. I laid there obediently and allowed him to do whatever he wanted to. He almost touched every inch of my body. He paid so much attention to what he was doing. I was a little shy to look at him though. I felt great.

"My turn" he passed the sunscreen to me and laid down. I did the same, I think I covered more parts of his body than he did to me. I know he loved it, I can see he had a hard on. We were both waiting for the other to make the first move. Finally, he took my hands and pulled me to the sea. Once in the water, he touched me more, parts that he didnt when he applied the sunscreen. I did too. We were hugging each other, touching and caressing. There werent many people in the water with us. I guess that's the privilege of staying in a god-damn-expensive 5 star hotel.

Finally I made the first move, for the first time, "Can we go back to the room?"

We put on our robes, and headed straight for the room. We were in a hurry, we kind of ran. In the elevator, we didnt care about the cctv, he just kissed me all over, and started caressing me again. When the elevator door opened, we walked across the lobby straight to our room. There was a nearer way back, but I guessed we missed the turn somewhere, we had to use the long way. Oh dear.

We opened the door and made love...

One Weekend Away III

Getting on to the plane made me think am I doing the right thing. Agreeing to go on this trip is crazy. I am excited though.

When I reached the island, I climbed on to a cab, showed him the hotel that Niz gave me. He smiled and was on the road. Polite man. The journey wasnt too long. I was really impressed by this guy. He is so mysterious and he makes all the decisions himself. The most important thing is, he has good taste and expensive.

Looking at the name of the hotel, I assumed it was some kind of 3 star hotel, but to my surprised Coco Palm Dhunikolhu is a beautiful 5 star hotel. I would normally go online to check on the hotel, but this time, I was in such a hurry. The corcierge helped me with my luggage and I went straight to the check in. God, what am I supposed to tell them? I didnt know Niz full name. But when they saw me, they greeted me by my name and gave me the keys to room 9008. Impressive, I'm getting more and more excited.

The corcierge walked me to the room. I meant the chalet. It was right in the middle of the water. It was so nice, I wanted to scream. But I need to hold myself together. I opened the door to the most beautiful room I have even been to. I tipped the corcierge and he closed the door behind him. Niz was not there, I couldnt be bother at that moment. I went to explore the room. The bed looked comfortable with drapes around the wooden frame. The bathroom was open air. The balcony was right on top of the water. I thought I was dreaming, but no, these are all real. Oh talking about real, where is Niz?

He is a neat person. I can tell by the way he kept the room. His clothes were neatly hung in the cupboard. His shoes were nicely lined behind the door. His toiletries were arranged in a straight line by the mirror. I didnt unpacked yet. Didnt know whether I should or not. Am I sleeping in this room? What should I do now? Am I supposed to sit here until he returns? I was searching for notes, maybe there is another that directs me to meet him, or at least to tell me what to do. Nothing.

I dare not sit on the bed. I went to the balcony and sat on the chair. The jacuzzi there was filled with water. There were candles beside it. Hmm, he sure knows how to enjoy life. Somehow the breeze made my eyelids heavy. Soon enough, I dozed off. I didnt know how long I took the nap, but when I opened my eyes, Niz was right in front of me. He was sitting there looking at me, sleep. How embarassing.

One Weekend Away II

"Hi, you look beautiful" he said.
"I've ordered for you actually, hope you will like it."
"Oh" speechless, he is obviously a male chauvinist. but I wasnt unhappy though, kind of exciting.

We started with champagne - Moet Chandon, expensive taste he has. He started digging information about me, mostly. We laughed, we chatted for a while before the food came. It was grilled salmon - nice. After food and more drinks, we were both a little tipsy. He jokingly invited me to a getaway, and I jokingly agreed. We both felt the connection, there was something about us that just clicked. We got along well, better than I've imagined.

We ended the dinner at around 11pm, he walked me out to my car. I opened the door, and turned to say goodbye. There he was right behind me, so closed I could feel his breathe. He stared into my eyes, he was coming closer, gave me a kiss on the cheek and whispered good night into my ear. I went into my car and he closed the door.

The next morning, I woke up extra early to dress up for work. I looked a little prettier than usual, wanting to impress him. For the whole day, he was no where to be seen. I tried to call the office while I was out for lunch. Our operator, Amy told me that he was on a one week break. Funny, he didnt tell me last night. A real MC, I thought.

As I continued to work through the day, Amy intercom me asking me to go to the front desk to collect a registered mail. I opened it and it was a ticket to Maldives this coming weekend. I was stunned. I searched for some note or something that can tell me what this is all about. There was and it read,

"See you on the island. Be prepared for a great getaway."

Oh dear, I remembered. It was Niz's invitation over the champagne last night. Damn. I did say yes. What should I do? Should I go? Is this right? He is married, what the hell was I thinking. I didnt know he was serious. I quickly picked up my phone to call him, but there was no response. I think he might be there already. How am I suppose to get him?

These questions kept wandering in my head. I have another 38 hours to decide. Oh dear. I did not tell anyone, not even Gina. No one knows about this. I went home, looked at the ticket again and again. Should I or shouldnt I? Weighing the pros and cons. Finally, I made up my mind and went to bed early.

I reached the office like any other day. After a cup of coffee and some cookies, I went to the HR. I applied for a week leave. Purpose - emergency...

I went home to pack my stuff... carefully and waited for that 18 hours to go by.

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

One Weekend Away

Getting on to the plane made me think am I doing the right thing. Agreeing to go on this trip is crazy.

We work in the same firm. Niz is in the corporate side, while I'm in the account department. He noticed me the day I joined. Well, I always think I'm attractive, and pretty in some ways. He, on the other hand looks great too. Not bad for a married man. We do not communicate much at first, as his and my department dont interact too much. We didnt really talk, I guess we were both afraid of having rumours in the company. We do have small talks when we meet in the pantry or at the corridors.

One day, as usual I checked my inbox. There was a mail from Niz. Funny, as we do not have work related. I clicked it open, it was short, just one line that read, "Dinner @ The Posh, 7pm. See you." I looked at it for a moment, didnt know what to reply. Is this a date? Just the 2 of us or the whole office is going? It was a bit weird, I have not really talked to him, we did not even eat in the pantry together. What should I reply him? Or should I just ignore him? That was rude.

I finally clicked on the reply button, "see ya." After work, I went home. There was still ample time for me to dress up - a little. Jeans & t-shirt? Too casual. Dress? Too formal. Not really, I picked a grey dress, knee length, slipped into my 3-inch heels. Little make up, I never like having tonnes of makeup on my face.

Within 10 minutes I reached The Posh. The name tells it all, the restaurant was really posh, well at least it looked posh from the outside. I parked my car and went in. It was posh, even on the inside. The ambience was great, great for couples who doesnt want to be seen. The man at the desk asked if I have a reservation, and assuming he has, I told him, "Niz". "Oh, great, Mr Niz is here waiting. Let me walk you to the table."

There he was sitting at the corner - alone. A table for 2, so I assume, it's just us. I went over, "Hi"

Undying Love III

Silence filled the space. Everything seemed to stood still. The people around us were suddenly disappeared. All there was, were the both of us and the bracelet. My thoughts were filled with memories. 13 years - 4745 days, excluding leap years. That is a very long time.

"You still remember this?" he asked, and that brought me back to reality.

I looked up at him, not knowing what to say.

"I kept it all these years, this was the thing I treasure most. I remember you telling me how nice this looked on my hand. I remember you have the exact same one. I remember you asking me treasure it."

Wow, he does remember a lot. I felt numb, I felt my body out of place, my hands were not mine, my legs were to numb to stand, my mouth couldnt speak a word. I just couldnt concentrate. I guess he knew I was stunned. He didnt say another word, instead he took out another box. A light blue box, with a white ribbon over "Tiffany & Co.". I took it, opened it. It was a bracelet - silver & extremely pretty.

"I know you are no more keeping yours, this is a new one I'm giving you. To mark US" he said, showing me the exact same one he was wearing on his left hand.

He then held both my hands. I was trying really hard to keep my tears from falling. I was so touched, never before. After dinner, we went home and finally, we changed our 13 years of friendship into a relationship of love.